Company of Many Foundation
The foundation is established, with the help of Jan de Beer of Batenburg Solicitors, Haarlem.
The Company of Many Foundation aims to:
Creating support and understanding for visual- and in dept slow journalism.
Promoting an open and connecting view of the world.
Providing insight into and by doing so substantiating the statement: “People are basically equal”.
Eliminate or at least question the fear and prejudices that exist around difficult areas and regions in conflict in Southwest Asia and the people who live or originate from there.
We thank the board of the foundation, for their time and energy, knowledge and support. Their help is an indispensable addition to the project.
Peter ter Velde is chairman and advises where it comes down to our safety, planning and knowledge in the region.
Taco van Gelderen is the treasurer and advises where it comes down to finances, funding and foundation matters.
Sabine de Witte is secretary and advises where it comes down to communications, publications and fundraising.
The Table of Many
In order to create funding for the project assuring independent storytelling and journalism, one of the initiatives of the foundation is the Table of Many.
For every stretch of the project, a select group of people joins in an extraordinary evening of storytelling, debate, conversation and dining. They pay €1000,- each, which is nearly exclusively used to cover the expenses made during their journey and by doing so enabling the project to succeed. Every supporter feels connected to the project and joins Lisa and Daniel vicariously on a journey, hiking through Southwest Asia. The 1st of September 2020 was the first edition which was a great succes and our first 6 ambassadors were very enthusiastic.
If you’d like to endorse the project and want to experience one of these exclusive nights, please register for the next edition:
The Table of Many is generously supported by:
But of course any form of support or donation for this incredible journey is welcome. So if you’d like to contact us you can do so. Thanks a bunch!